I first met Darren as a young patrol officer in Roanoke City. I came into the line-up room in a very poor mood and was using some very "colorful" language. Shortly after my rant the sergeant let me know that he was the new chaplain and was assigned to ride with me that night.
After a bit of apologizing for my language, a smile grew across his face and his hand landed on my shoulder. He explained that he understood the pressures we are under and that a little letting off of steam is to be expected. I truly can say from the bottom of my heart I loved having him in my shop that night. Since then he has always been by my side ready to help and never pushed for anything. He understands cops and is willing to walk the same path we have. It is truly an honor to call him my friend! One of my dearest friends from my time at Roanoke! - Officer
Our wedding officiant and friend Darren Potter! RPD and the whole LE family are lucky to have you as a Chaplain. – Officer’s Wife
You not only supported my husband as an officer, but also provided support to our family while we navigated life after losing our child. We are so grateful for your continued support. I cannot imagine what officers go through on a daily basis and on top of that, they all carry their own life’s struggles, big and small. I know my husband is not one to solicit a listening ear but you made yourself available in a way that was unobtrusive yet comforting.
We are so grateful to have had your grounding presence available to us. Thank you again! I am forever grateful! – Officer’s Wife
Thank you to you and your family for prayers, continual support and inspirational comfort. – Officer
Very grateful to have Darren Potter in my life. For years he has been there to counsel me. Whether he is giving me advice, praying with me, lending an ear to listen, or a shoulder to cry on, he is always a positive influence. Thank you, my friend. Very much looking forward to our next meeting! – Officer

June 22, 2020
Chaplain Potter showed up at RPD about 11 years ago. We had other Chaplains then and still have additional chaplains now. But this guy shows up consistently. He does ride-alongs, sometime multiple shifts per week, to get to know the officers. He serves with the heart of Christ and bears our burdens with us. He and his wife, Melanie, have never not answered the call.... at any hour. At first, we weren’t sure what to think about a preacher riding along with cops whose language and humor are typically dark and not church friendly! He takes it all in stride and humbly serves every day to support the thin blue line.
He has since made this his full-time job. Rarely does a day go by that that I don’t see him: whether it’s working with officers, chatting with us in the hallway, or enduring our dark sense of humor. He has taken hours and hours and hours to build relationships with each officer. Chaplain Potter comes to lineup and prays with the officers at the start of their long unknown shifts ahead. He knows our families and checks on them when we are working long hours. He has gained the trust of every officer who he serves: and that is a monumental task in and of itself!
On Saturday of the protests when our supplemental officers were called in from their weekend off, I looked around and realized we would have to feed the group. Before I could begin the task, Chaplain Potter came strolling in with boxes and boxes of pizza. He is truly special and if you want to support your local police departments here in the Valley: support www.shieldchap.com!
And Darren Potter, thank you! From the bottom of my heart thank you for embodying Christ’s servant mindset to help. We cannot thank you and Melanie enough.
Lt. Susannah Camp
Roanoke City Police